Design for engagement and adherence in connected health applications

Design for engagement and adherence in connected health applications

Most healthcare technologies are not designed in a patient-centered fashion, nor utilize tailored, persuasive approaches, resulting in poor adherence - and ultimately to poorer outcomes.

Helping Austin Play Bigger in Healthcare Technology

Helping Austin Play Bigger in Healthcare Technology

According to Startup Health, Austin, TX is the 9th largest market for healthcare VC deals so far in 2017. Eric Boggs shares his thoughts on how Austin can continue to grow and play bigger in this market in the years to come through a holistic assessment of innovation potential, a focus on storytelling that highlights differentiation, and product strategy that incorporates design thinking as a driver.

Introducing... Eric Boggs

Introducing... Eric Boggs

Eric has long been interested in exploring the interaction of healthcare, business, and design, and their ability to inform and drive innovation in the healthcare industry when applied together appropriately. In this interview we talk about how his path has led him to Thinktiv in Austin, TX.

You're Doing It Wrong

One of the most overlooked elements of product design is how end-user psychographic triggers effect product outcomes. Teams designing new products, or reinvigorating old ones, fundamentally fail to understand that their job is to change user’s behavior — to trigger a specific behavior.  “You are not your user” — so don’t pretend you are motivated by the same things.

When to Listen, When to Lead

Almost every user focused research exercise leaves someone wondering when to listen and when to lead. When do we sit back and observe without interruption or silently listen to responses without poking and prodding for more context? When do we jump in, steer the conversation and how often?

Trendy Topic: Medical Mary Jane and You

Investors and entrepreneurs alike are paying close attention to social and political shifts paving the way toward the federal legalization of cannabis. States like Colorado, where both medicinal and recreational marijuana use was decriminalized, are estimating $1B in sales and $100M in tax revenues this year alone. 

Deep Understanding Creates Meaningful Results

... the answer to those questions will vary deeply depending on who in the organization you might ask. This may make you think of the old adage: "The head does not understand what the hands are doing."

The People Case vs. The Business Case

One critical change across all double bottom line businesses is the intense focus on the end customer. This has happened for a variety of reasons...

The Talent Gap

No where is exceptional talent more critical than at the earliest stages of a new initiative. It's at this point in time where talent can set a business's trajectory and impart the greatest influence on a company's success.

We'll Never Leave the Studio

True innovation in healthcare can only come from a studio approach. And, only a studio environment can add value each stage of a company's growth. 

Healthcare Dealmakers Summary

Healthcare Dealmakers was one of the best conferences I have ever attended. I have a feeling this is what TED was like in it's first years — all signal, no noise.